Welcome to my site : My name is Terry Sullivan, and I will be handling all your  flooring needs from purchasing to Installation.....

Warranty on our Work

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives......


This is usually the type of house my brother and I work in, but we also do rental properties as well...Below you will see my brother using a power stretcher,and we always use it to make sure the carpet is stretched properly ...Call for a Professional Installation.....409-3404...

Providing quality Installation & materials at a bargain price for customers around the Triad Area .Serving in this trade 23 years..Carpet , vinyl , ceramic tile , marble , slate , Hardwoods and Laminates




 My brother and I have over 53 years in the flooring trade...We aren't  the most expensive nor the cheapest..We have been doing this for so long ,that we know what a fair price is on each particular job...We do any type flooring, and have all the tools to do any job....So, give us a call today ... (336) 409-3404...


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